Home Workshops TeachingEBHC.org review and development

TeachingEBHC.org review and development

8th November, 4.30 PM
Douglas Badenoch
Minervation Ltd, UK
David Nunan
Centre for Evidenced-Based Medicine, University of Oxford, UK


We propose to host a workshop about the TeachingEBHC web portal to review site content and function, identify important learning resources and extend membership of the network. The site was planned at the 2017 EBHC meeting, and launched at the ISEHC conference in 2018 with several hundred teaching resources.


  1. Review the usefulness of the current website and identify helpful user archetypes
  2. Identify resources for areas that currently have poor coverage and evaluations of learning resources
  3. Plan ways to increase user engagement through rating and commenting on resources
  4. Plan for a sustainable future for TeachingEBHC database.


1. Reviewing the site

We will provide a short report on the establishment, development, and current usage of the TeachingEBHC website.  We will identify use-cases for the website and assess its pros and cons for each of these archetypes.  We will focus on reviewing scope, content and functionality.

Presentation (DB) and whole-group facilitated discussion with feedback – c 25 minutes

Participants will need examples of “archetypes” and “use-cases” and will discuss with their neighbour.  The archetypes will feed into subsequent activities.

2. Identifying areas of poor coverage

We will provide an overview of the content by Key Concept and EBM Stage.  In groups, we will discuss which areas should be prioritised for new content, and where such content might be found.

Short presentation (DN) with small group working, 45 minutes;  facilitated feedback.  Participants will need laptops or tablets to search for resources.

Any new resources found will be reviewed and incorporated.

3. Increasing user engagement

We will work in small groups to comment on and rate existing resources, including new ones added to the site in the previous task.

Overview presentation of content review process (using previous examples, if available, DB), then small group working; 30 minutes; facilitated feedback discussion for 15 minutes.

4. Planning a sustainable future

We will facilitate a discussion about our strategy for sustainable growth of the TeachingEBHC platform.


  • Key enhancements to improve its appeal to target audience
  • Ways of encouraging people to sign up, comment and contribute
  • Funding and editorial support

Whole-group, short presentation (PG) followed by discussion;  30 minutes

Last update 09/10/2019